Blog 14: Love, Team Pig
In case you missed it last week check out our live video recording of Paul Patterson's 'Three Little Pigs' here!
We are so excited to perform this around the UK throughout this year as part of our Revolting Rhymes
and Marvellous Music project! Other ingenious musical tales which will also be coming to a festival near you this year include Little Red Riding Hood (also by Patterson) and Dirty Beasts by Martin Butler. We had great fun at our rehearsal on Wednesday adding our fantastic narrator, Rebecca Kenny, into the mix for Dirty Beasts - good job she can talk quickly, as it's pretty relentless, especially the third part featuring Crocky-Wock the Crocodile! (talking of which, look what Cat bumped into in Hackney, just after our rehearsal!)

Our collaboration with Kenny and Suling has been brilliant in so many ways! It has been so fun to able to explore the repertoire written for this combination but also we are always learning lots from them both! From Suling and her experience accompanying many different musicians and from Kenny's acting skills - the latter of which was extremely useful for our rehearsal of Berio's Opus Number Zoo where we, the quintet, have to take over the narration ourselves alongside the playing. All I'm going to say about this is that you can look forward to Jon's fantastic falsetto!!
And finally Happy Valentines Day from us all at the Magnard Ensemble! For Sunday we can forget 'Three Little Pigs', as it's all about these adorable two!!!
