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CD Countdown 5: Hay There

Only 3 sleeps left until our debut CD is released woo!! Today we are throwing it back to May 2016 and one of the biggest highlights of our Revolting Rhymes and Marvellous music journey so far- Hay Festival!

Given the choice, I drive pretty much anywhere I can but Magnard train journeys always promise many, many laughs - or even impromptu performances in the middle of the carriage- so of course I chose to travelled to Hay-on-Wye by train with everybody else! Our bassoonist and resident grandma, Cat, spent the journey knitting a mini safari for her adorable nephew here's our favourite - Crockywock the Crocodile with our fab narrator Kenny!

On arrival we went to visit the Tata tent at the Hay Festival where we would be performing the next morning in the 10am slot.

We had no idea we would be performing to this….

Also, how fab do Dean Hescott-Burke's hats look!

Aside from the disappointment that we had narrowly missed Benedict Cumberbatch, we were so excited to bring this fabulous project to such an amazing venue!!! It was definitely difficult to sleep with the anticipation of the next morning!

We started the next morning the right way, with a big cooked breakfast... now, no full english is complete without the king of the potato product- the hash brown. The other Magnard's will remember my huge disappointment when on ordering I was told that you had to request them the night before!!! #firstworldproblems

After this mini disaster, we went to the venue and from then it was a whirlwind! We met our pianist, Suling, who had travelled separately and then we were whisked quickly through to have a quick sound check before the performance. Obviously we had to take the obligatory pre-concert backstage selfie….

Wow what a vibe, it will take a LOT to top this concert for so many reasons! Suling loved the festival so much that she went back as a visitor the following year! See us in action below….

Don't forget that you can buy your copy of the CD from either of the links below!

From iTunes click HERE

From Amazon click HERE.

Team Pig Love,

Suzie x

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